It is an offense and dangerous to enter, work near, or under any Rail Corridor without permission from the Rail Operator/License Holder under S75(1) of the Railways Act 2005.
The Rail Corridor is defined as that area either side of the track, measured as 5 metres either side of the centre line (middle) of the rails.
Unadvertised trains can and do run at any time and it should never be assumed it is safe.
Before entering the Weka Pass Railway Rail Corridor, or working near or under the rail corridor you must apply in writing to the Weka Pass Railway as outlined by the NATIONAL CODE OF PRACTICE for UTILITY OPERATORS’ ACCESS to TRANSPORT CORRIDORS maintained by the New Zealand Utilities Advisory Group (NZUAG) Inc

You need to complete and send to us these forms for us to consider your application prior to entering the Rail Corridor;
A2: Preliminary Notification of Work in the Railway Corridor
A5: Corridor Access Request (CAR) for Railway
A7: Works Access Permit for Railway land other than that owned/ managed by KiwiRail
You are welcome to phone us to discus these requirements.
Phone 0800 WEKAPASS (0800 935 272) and choose Option: 3
Submit a Corridor Access Request: